Statement by Head of EU Office/EU Special Representative in Kosovo, Heads of EU Missions, Ambassadors of Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, Head of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for Kosovo, and World Bank Country Manager

The Head of the EU Office/EU Special Representative in Kosovo, Heads of EU Missions, Ambassadors of Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, Head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for Kosovo, and World Bank Country Manager stand with the people of Kosovo in these challenging times and are determined to continue supporting Kosovo overcoming this crisis. We appreciate the effective management of the Covid-19 crisis by the caretaker government and the people of Kosovo so far. It is now of utmost importance that governmental regulations to prevent the spread of the virus are respected by all.

Moreover, we believe that at a time of great uncertainty, all actors need to set aside differences and work together for the good of the people. We welcome all opportunities for jointly discussing in the appropriate institutional venues the necessary measures to meet the Covid-19 challenge, including the ratification of negotiated financial arrangements with the EU, its Member States, other International Financial Institutions and national measures to address the health and economic crisis.

We also call on all parties to prioritize citizens’ health and welcome all opportunities for international and regional cooperation aimed at saving lives and protecting the population from the pandemic. The regional free flow of medical supplies and personnel is key to the success of this effort.

Dernière modification : 26/05/2020

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